Board portals

How to Host Great Virtual Board Meetings with the Board Portals?

With board portals, you can give a link to view the event to literally an unlimited number of people and even connect one of them to the discussion of the topic not only in the broadcast chat but also directly in the virtual board meeting.

The Help of Board Portals for Efficient Board Meetings

Board portals help companies tackle issues such as cost optimization, operational efficiency and risk mitigation, and the need for transparency in software use. As the name suggests, the board portal is the foundation of enterprise modernization, solving problems through the comprehensive digitalization of the software lifecycle management system.

Cost optimization is one of the best options for board meeting software. Many organizations are struggling to make the most of their software assets. For example, they may have paid licenses for software that havent been used. Or, conversely, companies may overpay for consumption when they scale back. In addition, ignorance of the software that employees use or where it is stored can significantly drain the budget of the enterprise – ineffective software management strategies waste resources.

The board portal facilitates the review of security policies and provides regular compliance reports to help manage non-compliance risks. Research has shown that 89% of organizations consider licensing compliance as their first and foremost goal. Board portal searches for unsupported software and cloud services, thereby increasing the security of the company’s digital space. Unsupported software has become one of the biggest risks in the digital world. The manufacturer does not complete it with the necessary patches that can protect against attempts by cybercriminals to illegally gain access to valuable corporate data.

The Main Reasons to Host Virtual Board meetings with the Board Portal

Hosting great virtual board meetings with the board portals has obvious advantages: security, speed of deployment, interactivity, wide geography of participants and speakers. The number of guests at such events is not limited, and therefore you can get more contacts and coverage compared to offline. For online events, the number of costs is also reduced: for the site, catering, logistics.

If the level of financing is low, the investor can ask for a decrease in the value of the enterprise, explaining this by the costs of finding new sources of financing, restructuring the current loan portfolio of the organization, etc. As a result, with a positive decision to buy a business, thanks to one assessment of the level of quality of corporate management of an enterprise, the investor identifies its problem areas and the directions of possible solutions. One of such solutions is using the board portals, taking into account the next reasons:

  • They enable businesses with lower marketing budgets to run high-quality, engaging events that can serve up a mix of branded and third-party content to potential customers.
  • Virtual events can lead to more leads because attendee information is easily captured during the event and brands can engage visitors in real-time.
  • Many virtual events offer presentation playback for the convenience of participants, making it easier to use more of the content being presented.
  • Members can save time and money by avoiding travel that can attract a wider audience.
  • Messaging systems on virtual conferencing platforms allow presenters or moderators to easily push additional content during or after a presentation, such as handouts, case studies.
  • Contributor comments on virtual conferencing platforms can be curated and published as a standalone blog post or as part of a final post.